What Emily does

  • Content Creation

    With an audience of over 3 million cross platform, Emily is an expert at creating education forward short and long form content for brands like RW&CO, Staples, IBM, Microsoft, Covergirl and more.

  • Podcast

    The Straight Shooter Recruiter podcast is a charting Careers and Confidence show deigned to help folks thrive in their 9 to 5 and beyond. With sponsors lke Air BnB and CFP.

  • Public Speaking

    Emily is a seasoned events hosts and public speaker for both live and virtual events. Emily has hosted events for Intuit, York University, University. of Toronto, SAP and more.

  • Tv and Radio

    Emily has been featured on platforms like CityLine and CBC.

  • Writing

    Emily is a columnist with Canadian Business where she answers readers questions surrounding career, finances and workplace wellbeing.

  • Consulting

    Emily offers 1 on 1 career coaching services including; resume reviews, interview prep and career mapping.